Next Event:

Prayer. Discipleship. Service.
Prayer. Discipleship. Service. “Faith United Methodist Church’s mission is to share God’s love and encourage others through worship and service to our community and beyond”“
Worship 10:00 am Sundays
Worship will be live-streamed to our YouTube channel (if the live stream does not work, the video will be uploaded later) If you would like to follow along with the service please click HERE to view the weekly Bulletin. (CCLI License # 2520764 and Streaming license # 11668997)
191 Montcalm Street
Chicopee, MA 01020
(413) 533-6093
Welcome Rev. Hyunung “KC” Chang and Family
Rev. Hyungung "KC" Chang

Rev. Hyunung “KC” Chang loves to read and study the Bible and share the truth of the Word of the Lord with others. He also likes to visit people for pastoral care and support. To him, the Bible, prayer, worship, and evangelism are basic and essential features of the Christian life for spiritual growth. As a pastor, he has focused on knowing God and believing in his only Son our Lord Jesus Christ so that we would not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16) in the light of the Kingdom of God.